Grant Shepherd

Grant Shepherd

Project Name: The Orchid Florist: Amongst the Decay

Project Description:

The nature of this project looks to understand the city as a gathering of derelict moments both seen and concealed as a clash between the synthetic and the natural world of architecture. The clear focus of this project is positioned on a particular site, located in London’s north district; no147 Hackney road is provoked by a derelict public house named ‘The Flying Skud’. The proximities of time, weather and pollution revealed and infused the natural and ecological elements which enforce the architectural conditions linked to the building derelict structure. Many of the drawings in this study relate to the infection nature of the decay and the direct problem of fading communal buildings. Amongst the derelict: a new sterile orchid florist grows encompassing a communal and economical connection to local parties. The building propagates, cultivates and educates the importance to produce spaces that enable reuse, recycle and regeneration. The decadent nature of the internal structure elevates and gentrifies the buildings existing dilapidated exterior. Prompting further urban filters to grow between the decay, once used communal spaces like the public house.

Ongoing report.indd

Ongoing report.indd

Ongoing report.indd

Ongoing report.indd

Ongoing report.indd

Ongoing report.indd



Ongoing report.indd

Ongoing report.indd



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